Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Grails AWS Plugin
1.1 Installing Grails AWS Plugin
1.2 Getting the source code
1.3 Configuring the plugin in your application
1.3.1 Setting AWS Credentials
1.4 Gant scripts
2 Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3)
2.1 Specific configuration for S3
2.2 Uploading files
2.2.1 Setting file virual path
2.2.2 Overwriting AWS credentials
2.2.3 Overwriting bucket to file upload
2.2.4 ACL (file permission)
2.2.5 RRS - Reduced Redundancy Storage
2.2.6 Setting File Metadata
2.2.7 Creating public URLs for private files
2.2.8 Creating torrent for S3 hosted files
3 Amazon Simple Email Service (AWS SES)
3.1 SES Gant scripts
3.1.1 Operation VerifyEmail
3.1.2 Operation ListVerifiedEmails
3.1.3 Operation GetSendQuota
3.1.4 Operation GetSendStatistics
3.1.5 Testing your verified email
3.2 Sending mail from your application
3.2.1 Configuring the SES options
3.2.2 Sending text emails
3.2.3 Sending HTML emails
5 Roadmap
6 Changelog
7 Contributions and reporting bugs
8 Contact